Opening hours and Address:
Het Blaauw Laaken Kunstkabinet is open from Thursday to Sunday from 13:00 to 17:00. Closed Monday to Wednesday.
Visiting address: Engstraat 14 in the fortified town of Heusden.

Opening hours and Address:
Het Blaauw Laaken Kunstkabinet is open from Thursday to Sunday from 13:00 to 17:00. Closed Monday to Wednesday.
Visiting address: Engstraat 14 in the fortified town of Heusden.
Hello Gallery. Just a bit of information.
My name is John Mutsaers and I live in Australia. When I was a young boy I lived in Eindhoven and during that time I sometimes visited Kees Bol’s studio in Tongelre and watched him paint; I’ve always remained a fan. In 2008 my wife Mary and I were lucky to meet him again in his studio in Heusden and spent a little time with him. When we learned of his death in in 2009 I considered how lucky I was to meet him again.
Kees Bol has been a major influence in my art career and my long time favourite painting of Kees was his “Het blauwe kooitje met witte kanarie”. This painting became the catalyst for a series I’ve worked on for the past five years or so. Finally my exhibition called “The Infinite Birdcage” opened last week at the ArtSpace Gallery in a town near where we live, Wonthaggi. It started with a small painting I did to commemorate Kees’ passing complete with the Brabantse flag at half-mast.
The exhibition details are on my website It shows this small painting and the history of how it evolved and giving credit to Kees Bol my life long inspiration.
I was very grateful that you sent me one of Kees’ old brushes; I keep it in my studio always.
Kind regards
John Mutsaers